

38680, Guia de Isora, Guía de Isora, 1
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Contact phone: +34 922126000
Telephone: +34 93 272 64 90 Mo-Su.
Urgent calls: +34 638 841 638
Fax: +34 93 272 64 15
Working hours
Abama Golf & Spa Resort Tenerife

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Spanish phone-numbers only, € 1.16/min., mobile phones € 1.51/min.
Monday to Friday, 9 00 to 19 00.


€ 870
Total Wellness 3 Días en Abama Golf & Spa Resort
€ 1015
Golf ilimitado en Abama Golf & Spa Resort
€ 965
Experiencia Gastronómica en Abama Golf & Spa Resort
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